Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Overall, I really enjoyed the class and learned so much about using technology in the classroom, which I see as very valuable. I also learned that technology can be VERY overwhelming. There is just so much that you can do with technology and I was just blown away with some of the things I saw other teachers doing in their classrooms. There is just so many different programs out there and going into this class, I was pretty confident I knew a lot about using technology in the class, and now I realize that what I knew was just the tip of the iceberg. I think with technology it is very important to keep up to date and to continue learning - along with continuing on learning about everything else in the classroom!! I'll definately continue on my interest on using technology in the classroom and although I might incorporate it only a little at the beginning, I hope as my career progresses, I will learn to use it more and more. Thanks Michele for a wonderful semester!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a delightful blog post - I am thrilled to read about the depth and breadth of your learning this semester. As I mentioned in class, I think I learned as much if not more than each of you! Here are some of my thoughts as I mark people's assignments: http://girlprof.blogspot.com/2009/04/as-i-read-through-my-student-teachers.html
    Take care,
